Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A new month, a fresh start.

Hello dolls! Long time no talk. Well today is October 1st, which marks the beginning of a new month,and a new season. This provides an opportunity for a fresh start. September flew by and I was more busy than ever! This month I want to focus on enjoying each day and staying healthy despite the workload. I find that it is easy to get wrapped up in your daily activities, work, school or whatever it may be, and can sometimes hinder you from creating time for relaxation, peace of mind and taking care of your body. Time management is a skill that I am constantly working on and I'm sure if you are reading this, you are most working on that as well! If you keep a journal perhaps you can make a list of goals to set for yourself this month. Here are some of mine:

1. Make mornings the most productive part of my day
2. Make an earlier bedtime and stick to it
3. Wake up earlier
4. Do yoga everyday, even if it's only for a short amount of time
5. Take time to reflect each day
6. Stay active and work out at least four times a week
7. Spend time with the ones I love, call those who are far in distance, and be there for them
8. Laugh more
9. Eat to nourishing foods
10. Work on myself everyday

Make a list of your own and put it somewhere where you will see it every day! Be your own motivation. I hope this month brings inspiration, joy and productivity to you! Happy October!

Leila Zo